13 June 2024
The Weekly
Bailian Group's Dragon Boat RaceBailian Group's Dragon Boat RaceBailian Group's Dragon Boat Race

Dragon boat racing is a traditional custom of the Chinese nation, carrying profound cultural connotation and sportsmanship. On June 8, the 2024 Staff Games of Bailian Group was held at the Shanghai Water Sports Center. Mr Ye Yongming, Chairman & CEO of Bailian Group, delivered the speec for the Games which was attended by nearly 1,000 people.

He pointed out that this sports meeting is not only a grand event to test the achievements of the group's cultural construction and show the good spiritual outlook of Bailian people, but also a grand event for the group to further unify their thinking, strengthen their confidence and cheer up. Bailian Group will become the vanguard of Shanghai's international consumption center  city  construction,  the vanguard of commercial space and content  innovation  and  development, and the main force of commercial network to support people's livelihood.


The games included two major competitions, dragon boat racing and aerobics, and 14 teams of dragon boat teams and aerobics teams formed by the group headquarters and its subordinate secondary companies and centers competed on the same stage, jointly presenting a festival feast of sports and culture. After  many  rounds  of  fierce  competition,  the  list  of  winners  of  this  sports meeting was released. The leaders of the group presented awards to the winning teams one by one. "Dream Building, Mission Sharing, Achievement Sharing - Bailian Group Corporate Culture Construction Tour" made its debut on the spot, showing the achievements of the group's systematic corporate culture construction in recent years based on:



Self-driven and agile employees will surely have the development of Jiaolong (a dragon in Chinese mythology).

Self-driven and agile organizations will have the vitality of a dragon.

Self-driven and agile enterprises will have a future that will travel all over the world.