On the occasion of Raksha Bandhan, a festival to celebrate the bond between a brother and sister, Shoppers Stop launched a new campaign ‘Celebrating Sisterhood’ touching upon true idea of an extended family bond. Indian consumers have a special emphasis on the family as an inner circle of trust and love. Shoppers Stop through its latest campaign used the concept of shared joys and responsibilities that create sisterhood. Traditions have taken on new meanings with the onslaught of social media. They have also become more inclusive and participative and are celebrated uniquely by individuals that find their own meanings in the tradition. Women lead celebrations in India, the campaign captures the spirit of women in different roles and includes the extended support system that helps women move ahead at home and careers both. ‘Celebrating Sisterhood’ campaign pays a tribute to all the caretakers’ who take utmost care of the kids at home and ensure their safety, while their parents are away.shoü